Published on Feb. 15, 2024
Meet Alba Mesas our new global Technical Support Manager!
We're delighted to announce the arrival of Alba Mesas, our new Technical Support Manager! Find out more about her in the article above.
Can you tell us more about you? (where are you from, your background, etc)
Hello, I am Alba Mesas, I am from Terrassa, a big city near Barcelona, in Spain, where I currently live with my beautiful dog. I’ve always loved animals and that’s why I decided to study Veterinary Medicine at UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). I always thought that my future would be to work in a pet hospital, but it was during my education that I learnt and understood that there's more to being a veterinarian.
After graduation, I did my internship in another big genetics company which convinced me that this was the field I wanted to work in. After that, I started working there and I oversaw rearing and production farms, animal management, production and the people who worked on the farms. For me it was a great experience that I’ve enjoyed a lot, it brought me a lot of knowledge and soft skills to develop myself.
Why did you specifically choose animal production?
As I said, I’ve always wanted to work with small animals in a hospital, but it was in my 2nd education year that I’ve realized that I wanted to do something more. Most people don’t know that veterinarians work for public health to ensure good, safe, and quality protein sources. We can do it from different approaches, in slaughterhouses, pharmaceutical industries, or in the farms, taking care of the animal’s health, ensuring their development and performances, applying biosecurity measures... and that’s what I’ve decided to do, to work with and for animals during their productive life.
What is your role at SASSO?
My main role at SASSO is to provide technical advice to our customers, listen to their needs and difficulties and try to help them to achieve the best performance with our products. Another smaller part of my work, but not less important, is to create a bridge between what's happening in the field and the Research & Development team, to ensure that they have the information to develop the breeding programs and continue to improve our genetics to satisfy the market.
SASSO is a company with a long experience in the poultry business, whose objective is continuous improvement to satisfy the industry and its customers. They’re constantly working on improving the genetics without losing the focus which is to attend to customer needs and to give them the best products in each market. It is an excellent challenge and opportunity for me to help develop our colored chicken products, and to accompany the customer through these improvements in order to achieve the best results.
What knowledge and skills do you bring that will allow you to support SASSO’s customers and ensure their success?
Through my professional background, I know the production cycle, animal management and behavior, how the different facilities and materials work, all related to animals. Another important topic to me is people. I’ve learned how to deal with different people, how to listen without judging and identify which are the needs of each one, trying to offer them my help and support. I think animals can’t reach their full potential without the right people to manage them.
What do you like to do during your free time?
I love nature, so my perfect plan on Sundays is to go to the woods with my dog, which is a greyhound and sit on the ground sunbathing while she runs. Another thing that I love, but can’t do as often, is to go to the beach in winter, on a sunny day, and do yoga or meditation. I try to be relaxed during my free time.
I also love spending time with my family, having a whole day with them or with friends, having a barbecue, talking and laughing until the sun goes down.
What is your motto in life?
I don’t really have a motto, but what moves me in life is effort, empathy and commitment to others and myself.